Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 74 - 12/29

The cabinets we have were all set.

The deck progress continues.

And after being treated like an know-nothing ass for weeks by Mastercraft doors, Menards decided to take it back, easing my pain greatly.  The Mastercraft front door frame wasn't square, was poorly constructed (gaps in joints, missing framing cleats...) and the door itself was warped.
We ordered a new door that will hopefully be ready in 7-10 days...
Again, stay away from Mastercraft doors.

Day 73 - 12/28

Finishing closets!  Here's the master closet (the other side is the same, but reversed).

Work began on the deck.

And some of the cupboards arrived.  We were fairly certain that they would never arrive.  I'm not convinced that the remainder will ever show up.  All the lowers are here though, so at least we can get measured for countertops and move on with the kitchen renovation.

Day 72 - 12/23

Mostly clean-up today.  But some of the finer finish work was completed.

Day 71 - 12/22

The siding is completed!

Day 70 - 12/21

More finish work, including most of the railing now being completed.

Some of the closet hardware was placed as well.